Becky Higgins: Following HimDiscipleship on Social Media

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 11:15 a.m.


Most of us are young enough to remember a world without social media and yet, for many of us, connecting with others online has become a part of our everyday lives. Church leaders have spoken of the power of social media. We’ve been encouraged to use it in sharing messages of light and truth, but our prophet has also issued specific invitations to take a break from it. Becky Higgins engages with over 80,000 people online as she builds a business centered on documenting life. On today\'s episode, she shares her thoughts on what being a disciple looks like in an online world and how we can signal that the most important person we follow is Christ.


"I don\'t mean to make social media sound like such a spiritual thing but it is. ...It\'s between you and God. Be really intentional with who you\'re following for your reasons."


Show Notes 


3:09- Evolution of personal social media use
4:23- Satan’s desire to divide
6:09- Myopic
10:22- Influence
14:20- Documenting as a spiritual gift
18:15- Drawing People In
22:00- Balance Between Sharing Light and Bragging
24:40- Social Media Overwhelm
27:03- Following Account in Line With Your Goals
32:40- Intentionality
35:28- Unplugging and Fasting from Social Media
41:32- Acknowledging Who Wants Us to Compare
45:27- Faith Grows When We Share
48:29- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?


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