The Gorman UFO Dogfight | Case File 283

Published: July 3, 2023, 11:20 a.m.

b'It was an autumn evening in 1948, when the skies above Fargo, North Dakota became the stage for a clash between man and the unknown. Lieutenant George Gorman, a seasoned fighter pilot, found himself thrust into a duel that would test the limits of his courage and the boundaries of his reality. As he soared through the late evening skies, he caught a glimpse of a gleaming object, darting across the heavens with a velocity unmatched by any known terrestrial craft. Gorman, fueled by a combination of duty and unyielding curiosity, engaged in a breathtaking pursuit of the enigmatic aerial intruder. Maneuvering his P-51 Mustang with unwavering resolve, he danced through the skies in a ballet of adrenaline and uncertainty. This case file, join the Theorists as they go inverted and keep up interstellar relations in\\u2026The Gorman UFO Dogfight'