Rick Dyers Dead Bigfoot | Case File 218

Published: Jan. 7, 2022, 9 a.m.

b'In January of 2014, local San Antonio news outlets began reporting claims made by a man who named himself as the \\u201cWorld\\u2019s Greatest Bigfoot Tracker\\u201d. As proof that he deserved the title, the man released photos of the preserved body of what he claimed was a Sasquatch that he shot and killed in 2012. The hunter reported that the body had been held at a testing facility at a Northwestern U.S. university where it had been subjected to a battery of tests to verify that it was indeed the legendary cryptid known as Bigfoot. In the following days, the body would be exhibited at a number of impromptu venues where skeptics and believers alike were able to get a close up view of a seemingly myth made flesh. If it wasn\\u2019t incredible enough that a Bigfoot had finally been bagged, according to the tracker, this was actually the second Bigfoot body he had managed to retrieve. The first had been turned over to shadowy government agents after they had threatened the tracker and his family. This case file, join the Theorists as they hop in their used 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee and cruise over to the 3 ring circus surrounding...Rick Dyer\\u2019s Dead Bigfoot'