Maltas Megalithic Mysteries | Case File 279

Published: June 5, 2023, 11:20 p.m.

b'In the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, lies an ancient archipelago steeped in enigma and wonder. Known for its picturesque beauty, this small island nation hides a tapestry of perplexing riddles, waiting to be unraveled by the curious and the intrepid. Archaeological puzzles abound both above ground and below. Deep grooves crisscross the landscape that are subject to constant debate as to their purpose and origins. Including some of the oldest free standing structures in the world, temples and ancient structures dot the hills. Constructed using massive slabs of limestone, some weighing over 50 tons, these buildings have been dated to be older than the great pyramids of Egypt or Stonehenge. Buried beneath the ground is a massive series of passageways and chambers, carved directly into the bedrock, that are covered in strange spiral designs that can be found all over the island. Many of these chambers seem to interact with each other and produce strange acoustic effects that can amplify and focus sounds. This case file, join the Theorists as they meander through mammoth mystical monuments in\\u2026Malta\\u2019s Megalithic Mysteries'