Case File 60-Cultish Madness

Published: March 12, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

b'The word cult for many people conjures up images of dark hooded figures, strange disconcerting rituals or perhaps idols of horned gods or goddesses. In mainstream media, cults are often maligned and seen as outliers and aberrations that draw in only those that are weak willed or easily manipulated. But there are many times that this is not the case. People drawn to these alternative religious practices are often bright and creative individuals who happen to be in a time of transition of their identity or just down on their luck and searching for something to pull them from a general malaise of unfulfillment. Then they are drawn into the sphere of influence produced by charismatic or mysterious individuals who make them feel wanted. Who satisfy their need for belonging or understanding. Sometimes these leaders truly believe what they preach. Whether of a coming armageddon or a way of life leading to spiritual salvation. But more often than not, we hear of leaders who abuse their power and those who live under its influence. They force their followers to commit Debasement mutilation and even murder. All based on the promise that these acts will grant their followers the fulfillment they crave, or save their very souls. This week Dan and Zel take a look at a few of these cults that took the dark and twisted turns into the realms of the things out of nightmares. Support this podcast at \\u2014 Advertising Inquiries:'