Case File 195-The Hauntings of Colonial Williamsburg

Published: July 2, 2021, 1:35 p.m.

b'Lucy Ludwell inherited her father\\u2019s Virginia residence in 1767. At the time, she was living as a member of the social elite in London with her husband, John Paradise. Although John had been a linguist and scholar of some note, the couple had never seen a substantial improvement in their financial standing. Upon John\\u2019s untimely death. Lucy was left near destitute and forced to depart London for the residence her father had left her in the old colonial capital of Virginia. \\xa0Neighbors and community members took notice of Lucy\\u2019s eccentricities like excessive bathing and aimless carriage rides that never left her back porch. Her strange behaviors were seen as indicators of insanity and the community had her committed to the Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds. She lingered within its walls for two years before committing suicide. Since then, visitors and those who have stayed within the Ludwell-Paradise house have said they still hear the sound of a woman bathing despite the bathroom being empty. Many stories of unusual hauntings surround not only the private residence but many other of the restored structures of the old colonial capital. This case file, join the Theorists as they tell you less than sober spooky tales of\\u2026 The Hauntings of Colonial Williamsburg
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