Case Fie 189-The Satanic Panic

Published: May 21, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'As the U.S. and Canada moved into the 1980\\u2019s, the fear of moral corruption was beginning to take root in the collective imagination of both populations. Media began a blitz of stories and in-depth reports of events that had anything to do with the perceived master of all things evil, Satan. Police and authorities were keen to latch on to any sign of satanic or occult influence in cases that involved murder or suicide. As the public became more and more convinced that signs of satan worship hid in almost every facet of life and was especially a threat to the young impressionable minds of children, the stage was set for a sweeping moral panic. The accusations and allegations began to fly at a pre-school in Bakersfield, California and this began a chain reaction that would spread from coast to coast that would cost states millions of dollars and take years from the lives of those caught up in the whirlwind of hysteria that led the public to see the devil in hundreds of daycare facilities throughout the nation. This case file, join the Theorists as they find a little sympathy for the devil during\\u2026 The Satanic Panic
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