Brother XII | Case File 316

Published: April 8, 2024, 7:05 a.m.

b'In the shadowy waters of the early 20th century, amidst a world caught between wars and whispers of the mystical, emerged a figure as enigmatic as he was polarizing. A cult leader who would cast a spell over the hearts and minds of his followers, drawing them to the secluded shores of British Columbia, Canada. There, in a haven promised to be utopia, he formed a community rooted in theosophical teachings, esoteric wisdom, and the promise of salvation in tumultuous times.
His magnetic charisma and prophetic visions attracted intellectuals, seekers, and adventurers, all thirsting for spiritual awakening and societal escape. But beneath the veneer of enlightenment and collective harmony lurked a darker narrative. Accusations of tyranny, manipulation, and treasures hidden and hoarded began to surface, painting a portrait of a paradise lost.
This case file, join the Theorists as we live out our fantasies of dystopian dominatrixes in exploring the history and mystery of... Brother XI'