Alien Invasions | Case File 251

Published: Sept. 16, 2022, 7:05 a.m.

b'The star at the center of our solar system has an estimated age of 4.6 billion years, while the Milky Way galaxy sits at a venerable 13.6 billion years old. Each day, new stars are cataloged and observed for the presence of orbiting bodies. Each day, humans angle our instruments at our nearest cosmic neighbors and listen for something to reveal that we are not the only ones searching for intelligent life in our galaxy. But what if we reached out and what reached back, did not have benevolent intent? If we were to discover that our fate as a species was to mirror the multitude of colonization histories upon our own world? The idea of an encounter with another species that has traveled across the vast distances of space to seek out Earth in order to invade and/or conquer our species has been around since the turn of the 20th century. A technologically superior race ravaging our planet towards their own unknowable or incomprehensible goals. At our current level of technology and scientific understanding, what would be the most likely scenarios of why and how an event of belligerent first contact would go down? This case file, join the Theorists as they drive you into anxiety fueled death spiral overdrive with the threat of evil alien overlords in\\u2026Alien Invasions'