Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 45 Australia v. America

Published: Aug. 8, 2013, 6:10 p.m.

It's the showdown the international community has been demanding (in various languages): America versus Australia.  It all ends here.  USA! USA! USA!  

I am not biased.

Xander and American guest Brandon Shockney square off against Ben and fellow Australian Susie Youssef as the group talks total nonsense and reviews a beer from each country.  Not just any beer from each country but what can only be described as "the premium essence" of each country.  Intrigued? No? Damn.

Listen to the show anyway.

Comedy happens.

That last line sounds like the tagline on the poster for an inspirational movie about a comedian who gets AIDS.  Fortunately, that does not happen on this episode.