12. Sexual Health: Bringing Sexy Back

Published: June 7, 2021, 7:36 a.m.

Let’s talk about sex baby! 

After carrying baby for 9 months, there’s been a lot of changes to the physical and emotional self. And this manifests in the vagina! 

Generally, your OBGYN will tell you to wait around 6 weeks after delivering before ‘jumping back into the sack’ with your partners. 

However, sometimes women may encounter physical changes to the vagina such as scar tissue, hormonal changes (vaginal dryness), or an overactive pelvic floor (vaginal tightness) which causes friction during intercourse. Some women may face psychological and emotional changes that affect how they feel as a sexual woman in their sexual bodies. 

If you’re struggling to have intercourse postpartum, please go visit a woman’s health physician! It’s never too late to get your sexy back!