Look Who's Coming to Jury Duty & Trial Jams 2017

Published: March 20, 2017, 6:40 a.m.

In the fifth episode of Aider & Abettor, Avi and Sajid discuss the challenge of getting a representative jury and one proposal (California Senate Bill 576) to collect more data about the jury selection process. The text of the bill is available online at http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB576 In the deep dive, they talk about the music that gets them going during trial. The discussion is broken up into five stages: setting the ground rules, jury selection, opening statement, cross examination, and closing argument. In the "Things" segment, Avi recounts a confrontation with a bathroom line-cutter. Sajid shares his thoughts about public reactions to the sentence in a South Carolina hate crime case and a report on "Pay-to-Stay" jails. Sajid blogged about these subjects at http://thesajidakhan.tumblr.com/ Our intro is by @leerosevere (https://soundcloud.com/happypuppyrecords). Our transitions and outro are by @omniboi.