I Forgot, did you say I had Alzheimer’s ?

Published: May 27, 2015, 11 p.m.

Alzheimer’s disease may be a case of mistaken identity. The immune systems of mice injected with E-coli and salmonella are triggered by “Amyloids “ or, what is known as curli fibrils, fiber-like structures consisting of curli proteins that allow bacteria to stick to host tissue and to each other and form colonies where they can erroneously interact with other cell components. What did you say?  I mean that this creates inflammation and inflammation creates disease, one of them being Alzheimer’s disease and we have suggestions that you might choose to help you get back to good health. Mind you now, we have suggestions and not prescriptions, just letting the FDA know, so they don't show up with the hand cuffs.Tune in for the rest of the story at 7:PM est Wednesday May 27, 2015