80: Agile NYC with Joe Krebs

Published: Oct. 30, 2017, noon

Joe Krebs (@jochenkrebs) joined Ryan Ripley (@ryanripley) to discuss his podcast (Agile.FM), agile leadership, agile user groups and the impact of agile on organizations.

[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Joe Krebs Presenting at AgileNYC 2014[/featured-image]

Agile is part of Joe’s DNA. He is the founder and organizer of AgileNYC, an international speaker, trainer, author, and host of the Agile.FM podcast. Joe is the founder of Incrementor – the largest agile consultancy in New York City and is the author of Agile Portfolio Management.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Life of the agile podcaster
  • The role of leadership on agile teams
  • The state of user groups in New York and Chicago

Links from the show:

  • Agile.FM – Joe Kreb’s Agile Podcast

How to Support the Show:

Thank you for your support. Here are some of the ways to contribute that were discussed during this episode:

[callout]Agile development processes foster better collaboration, innovation, and results. So why limit their use to software projects—when you can transform your entire business?

Written by agile-mentoring expert Jochen Krebs, this book illuminates the opportunities—and rewards—of applying agile processes to your overall IT portfolio.

Whether project manager, business analyst, or executive—you’ll understand the business drivers behind agile portfolio management. And learn best practices for optimizing results.
Click here to purchase on Amazon.[/callout]

[reminder]Which topic resonated with you? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.[/reminder]





Want to hear another podcast about the life of an agile coach? — Listen to my conversation with Zach Bonaker, Diane Zajac-Woodie, and Amitai Schlair on episode 39. We discuss growing an agile practice and how coaches help create the environments where agile ideas can flourish.

One tiny favor.  — Please take 30 seconds now and leave a review on iTunes. This helps others learn about the show and grows our audience. It will help the show tremendously, including my ability to bring on more great guests for all of us to learn from. Thanks!

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The post AFH 080: Agile NYC with Joe Krebs appeared first on Ryan Ripley.