Christy Erbeck on Courageous Leadership

Published: June 28, 2019, noon

Today’s episode is centered around courageous leadership, which is based on the research of Brené Brown and her Dare to Lead™ program. Your host, Dan Neumann, will be exploring this topic today with Christy Erbeck, a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator. Christy is also a Principal Transformation Consultant at AgileThought, with over 25 years of experience in domestic and international consulting, training, and coaching, working in both software development and non-product-focused environments, including manufacturing (discrete and process), distribution, and sales and marketing.


Through Brené Brown’s teachings, Christy Erbeck gives a thorough look at why courageous leadership is so important, how to practice it personally and professionally in your workplace, and what happens when you practice it, as well as what happens when you don’t practice it as a leader. She also highlights the four skillsets of courage. The four skillsets are:

RUMBLING with Vulnerability

LIVING into Our Values



A lack of these skills creates barriers to courage that keep people from ‘showing up.’ In this podcast, Christy shares many tips on how you can begin becoming a more courageous leader starting today!


Key Takeaways

Why is courageous leadership important?

Because many people are afraid to have courageous conversations or speak the truth due to feeling like they may offend someone or that their opinion doesn’t matter

Allows you to get to the truth of the conversation

How to practice courageous leadership:

“Embrace the suck”

Stick to what you’re doing and rumble with vulnerability

Be willing to have a real conversation even if it’s tough

Practice self-awareness and self-love (because who we are is how we lead)

Become more self-aware and work to remove the barriers to courage

Choose courage over comfort

Choose what’s right over what’s fast or easy

Scale courage by simply being courageous (a courageous leader is contagious)

What happens as a leader when you don’t practice being courageous and vulnerable:

Your armor goes up, you stay on the defensive, and you may lash out at others

You miss out on deep and meaningful connections with others

You can be short or harsh in your responses

You will not be setting a good example for your team

Barriers to courage that keep people from ‘showing up’:

Shame and blame


Fears and feelings

Lack of inclusivity, diversity, and equity

How shame can show up in the workplace:

Shame comes up when comparisons are made of one person to another

When we’re willing to talk about someone and not to them

When we use power over someone or discriminate against them

The four skillsets of courage:

1) Rumbling with vulnerability (continually lean into vulnerability and ‘rumble’ with it)

2) Living into our values (find alignment with your top values into the work that you’re doing)

3) BRAVING trust (B-boundaries, R-reliability, A-accountability, V-vault, I-integrity, N-non-judgement, and G-generosity)

4) Learning to rise (be willing to do what it takes and continually coming back)

Note that each of these is equally important and they all go together


Mentioned in this Episode:

Christy Erbeck

Brené Brown

Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead Program

Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts., by Brené Brown

Brené Brown: The Call to Courage (Film, 2019)

“The Power of Vulnerability” Brené Brown’s TED Talk

“It is not the critic who counts…” Quote by Theodore Roosevelt

Harriet Lerner

Agile 2019 Conference
Women in Agile


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