Can Scrum and Kanban be used together?

Published: May 12, 2020, 1:56 p.m.


In this episode, Professional Scrum Trainer Eric Landes addresses the questions: "Can Scrum and Kanban work together?"


In my classes I often get asked about the differences between Scrum and Kanban.\\xa0\\xa0 Can Scrum and Kanban work together, how can that work?\\xa0 Typically people will talk about one team doing and Kanban, typically an Operations type team along with other Scrum teams, typically feature teams.

Scrum and Kanban can Coexist

The short answer is Kanban and Scrum can coexist.\\xa0 has a class called Prfessional Scrum with Kanban.\\xa0 This was created by Kanban expert Daniel Vcante and Yuval Yevet a Professional Scrum Trainer.\\xa0 Both of Daniel and Yuval have extensive kanban experience and have been working in the Kanban community

Yes, Kanban and scrum can coexist. How does that actually work, you are asking?\\xa0Let\'s think about this. Kanban is about flow and Kanban principles and practices do not conflict with the Scrum framework.\\xa0 The principles for Kanban are: start with what you know and agree to pursue incremental evolutionary change and respect the current process, rules responsibilities and titles. Within Scrum, we\\xa0 have a built in way to achieve evolutionary change, because we inspect and adapt.\\xa0 The retrospective and daily scrum are ways that this can be achieved.\\xa0

Limit Work In Progress

There is some limit work in process in Scrum, in Kaban it is more explicit.\\xa0 Making processes explicit is another Kanban practice that makes sense, Kanban implements feedback loops and we improve collaboratively and evolve experimentally.\\xa0 Again all of these seem very compatible with the scrum framework

So we\'re not staying with Kanban and scrum together, you are\\xa0 getting rid of anything within the framework.\\xa0 We are saying kanban practices and some of those tools can help you achieve flow within a scrum framework.\\xa0\\xa0 And you get the benefits of the focus of scrum what scrum team practices that they\'re used to.

Getting Started

How will scrum team begin with what they do?\\xa0 What is one thing they can do is begin with Kanban in scrum. \\xa0For instance, if the teams forecasts five stories done in the current sprint, but the team\\xa0 consistently misses one or two stories in a sprint, these Kanban metrics can help with the cause.\\xa0

Metrics for Scrum with Kanban

For instance the Aging working process metrics used in a daily scrum so that can help the scrum team focus on that question with data, are we going to meet our forecast or not?\\xa0 If not the team can decide to focus and swarm on one item, get that item to done and continue to finish PBIs in the sprint.\\xa0

Hopefully this helps the team focus on getting to done, and issues that prevent the team from achieving their forecast.\\xa0 I would recommend the aging working process metric as a great way to start work with your scrum team using Kanban in your daily scrum.\\xa0Other practices like visualizing your workflow and limiting WIP will help that focus as well.\\xa0


If you are want to increase your teams focus, I recommend reading up on Scrum and Kanban.\\xa0 Even taking the Scrum with Kanban course, which goes in depth on methods to help Scrum team utilize metrics to increase their focus.\\xa0

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