Let's get to deeper healing and self-love with the "Self-Compassion Playlist."\nThis episode is brought to you by AirDoctor.\nAirDoctor\xa0is an air purifier that filters out pollutants such as allergens, pollen, bacteria and viruses.\xa0This works great for homes, offices, classrooms and more!\nAirDoctor\xa0comes with a 30-day breathe easy money back guarantee so if you don\u2019t love it, just send it back for a refund, minus shipping.\nGet up to\xa0$300 OFF plus a free 3 year warranty\xa0on your air purifier!\nUse promo code\xa0AFFIRMATION\xa0at\xa0AirDoctorPro.com\nThe sister episode to this one is Episode 483 Harmony in Your Mind AffirmationPod.com/HarmonyInYourMind\nThe Self-Compassion Playlist features\nEpisode 319 Releasing Judgements on Yourself\nEpisode 224 Dealing With the Fear of Criticism and Judgement\nEpisode 317 Self-Compassion\nEpisode 458 Release for Peace\nSPONSOR SPOTLIGHT\nOne way to support Affirmation Pod is to treat yourself using special discount codes from our amazing sponsors!\nCheck them out at AffirmationPod.com/Sponsors\nWANT MORE EPISODES LIKE THIS ONE?\nEpisode 500 You are an Inspiration https://AffirmationPod.com/YouAreAnInspiration\nEpisode 423 Making the Most of a New Day https://AffirmationPod.com/MakingTheMostOfANewDay\nEpisode 373 Feeling Misunderstood https://AffirmationPod.com/FeelingMisunderstood\nEpisode 359 Good Things Are Coming https://AffirmationPod.com/GoodThingsAreComing\nEpisode 311 Believing in Your Future https://AffirmationPod.com/BelievingInYourFuture\n\nLISTENER LOVE \u2764\ufe0f\n"I feel so good this morning because I\u2019m getting back to a routine. I found Affirmation Pod that I listen to and it\u2019s really relaxing." - Jen Stancill\n\xa0"Can\u2019t get enough of Affirmation Pod. Thank you Josie!" - Nicole Chaput\n"I listen every morning" - Chriselle Lim\n\nWhat's in your self-care toolbox? \U0001f49d\nLearning to love all parts of yourself is a journey. One that, at times, may feel overwhelming, hopeless...even scary. But it\u2019s a journey you don\u2019t need to walk alone.\xa0\nIf you find yourself getting lost in a whirlwind of self-doubt and negativity, it\u2019s time to transform your inner dialogue. Sound impossible? Don\u2019t worry \u2013 Affirmation Pod has your back.\xa0\nThrough positive affirmations, grounding meditations, calming playlists and more, you get the tools and support for your journey of self-love.\nPremium Subscription\U0001f447\U0001f3fb\nWith Affirmation Pod Premium you get instant access to over 400 ad-free affirmations - plus monthly bonuses!\xa0Everything is here to soothe, inspire, and empower you through every season of life.\n\nGET STARTED NOW\nAffirmationPodAccess.com\n\n\nFAVORITE BONUS EPISODES INCLUDE\n\nWhen You've Put Aside Self-Respect in Relationships\nKeeping Boundaries\nI Live in Abundance\nI Made the Right Choice\nWaking Up Playlist\n\xa0\n"I'd recommend listening to affirmations. You can repeat them or you can just take them in as you listen. Affirmation Pod are short, effective and Josie's voice is so soothing!" - Sophia Sinclair\n"Thank you Josie for getting my mornings started on the right foot." - Debora Midence\n\u201cJosie's a saving grace. She literally has a positive affirmation for everything. When you don\u2019t feel like getting up at all, she\u2019s got a great positive affirmation.\u201d \u2013 Gabrielle Union\n\nGET AD FREE EPISODES AT\nAffirmationPodAccess.com\n\xa0\nThanks for listening to Affirmation Pod today!\xa0\nGot questions, feedback or an episode request? Let us know at\xa0AffirmationPod.com/Contact\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices