501 Your Best 2024

Published: Dec. 11, 2023, 6 a.m.

b'Let\'s continue with this rendition of our annual tradition. Here\'s to "Your Best 2024."\\nThe sister episode to this one is Episode 438 Your Best 2023 https://AffirmationPod.com/Best2023\\nThis episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/AFFIRMATION and get on your way to being your best self.\\nGet 10% OFF your first month at BetterHelp.com/Affirmation\\nNeed something to quickly get your grounded and focused for the day?\\nStart your mornings with deep breaths and empowering questions, all in one minute!\\xa0\\nNow available on YouTube!\\xa0See what a difference a Your Morning Minute will make in your life.\\nSubscribe today!\\xa0https://YouTube.com/@TheJosieOng\\n\\nSPONSOR SPOTLIGHT\\nOne way to support Affirmation Pod is to treat yourself using special discount codes from our amazing sponsors!\\nCheck them out at AffirmationPod.com/Sponsors\\nCHECK OUT MORE TOP EPISODES!\\nEpisode 227 Affirmations for Self-Love https://AffirmationPod.com/SelfLove\\nEpisode 206 Moving From Self Doubt to Self Confidence https://AffirmationPod.com/SelfConfidence\\nEpisode 197 Your Good Morning Coach https://AffirmationPod.com/MorningCoach\\nEpisode 148 I Am Enough https://AffirmationPod.com/IAmEnough\\nEpisode 147 Overthinking https://AffirmationPod.com/Overthinking\\xa0\\nEpisode 139 Receiving Love https://AffirmationPod.com/ReceivingLove\\nEpisode 108 Relax Into Sleep https://AffirmationPod.com/ProgressiveRelaxationForSleep\\n\\nLOOK WHO LOVES AFFIRMATION POD!! \\U0001f64f\\U0001f3fb\\n\\u201cJosie\'s a saving grace. She literally has a positive affirmation for everything. When you don\\u2019t feel like getting up at all, she\\u2019s got a great positive affirmation.\\u201d \\u2013 Gabrielle Union\\n"Her words are such a gift. A beautiful way to kickstart your day while in silence and meditation. This fills my cup so I can be a better woman, wife, mom & friend to everyone around me." - LaTisha Guster\\n"I\\u2019ve never thought of needing this kind of affirmation, but I\\u2019m really grateful I\\u2019ve listened to Josie\\u2019s soothing and encouraging messages." - Marta Retnoningsih\\n\\xa0\\nYou Are Enough \\u2764\\ufe0f\\nLife can get difficult. Jobs are lost, hearts are broken, plans get changed, things go wrong. We\\u2019ve all been there.\\nBut when life gives you lemons, how do you cope? How do you navigate through grief with resilience? How do you control your emotions instead of letting them control you?\\nMaybe you have unhealthy coping strategies. Maybe you bury your emotions, talk down to yourself, or power through the day without allowing yourself even a moment of rest and reflection.\\n\\xa0\\nSound familiar? Not anymore!\\U0001f447\\U0001f3fb\\nSign up for premium access to Affirmation Pod and get the language you need to transform your inner dialogue and embrace the fabulous YOU.\\nOffering over 400 ad-free affirmations - plus monthly bonuses! - Affirmation Pod Premium is the toolbox you need to navigate your way through every season of life. Enjoy calming meditations, guided visualizations, empowering playlists and more as you become the best version of yourself.\\nYes, life isn\\u2019t always easy. But with the help of Affirmation Pod Premium, you\\u2019ll be more equipped to handle the ups and downs with grace, confidence, and courage. And you\\u2019ll feel better about yourself too \\u2013 double win!\\nSign up today for ad free versions of all the Affirmation Pod episodes PLUS over 100 bonus ad free episodes you won\\u2019t hear on the podcast.\\n\\nGET STARTED NOW\\nAffirmationPodAccess.com\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'