MarketScale AEC: Episode 1

Published: Nov. 1, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

b"On the first episode of The MarketScale AEC Show, we look to both the past and the future to track AEC's coming trends, rising stars and established professionals. We get our dose of industry news, as well as a recap on Orgatec 2018 from MarketScale's Creative Director Josh Brummett, a conference in historic Cologne, Germany focusing on what's next in office design. We also get an interesting development in AEC's race to find the answer for sustainable housing, not only in the states but globally. Could compressed hemp blocks be the answer?

Our two features on today's episode act as frames for impassioned leaders in AEC. On one hand, you have Graham Walker, President & CEO of Fibrebond, who's fighting tooth and nail to bring a spark of business, industry and community to Shreveport, LA. On the other, you have Jonathon Kemnitzer, co-founder of KEM STUDIO. An architect and industrial designer through and through, Kemnitzer's KEM STUDIO represents the pinnacle of the modern studio, finding power in synergy and details."