[Special Edition] How Prior Authorizations Can Harm Patient Care

Published: Sept. 23, 2022, noon

b'In medical care, prior authorization was originally intended to ensure patients received appropriate care that was in line with tested methodologies. Today, \\u201cprior authorization\\u201d has become a dreaded term\\u2026often signaling delayed care and undue financial burdens posed to patients and care providers alike. In some cases, the process of prior authorization has actually put patient lives at risk. What changed over time? Most of all, what can be done about it now? In this special edition podcast, two colleagues who are very well informed about the hazards and pitfalls of the overuse or misuse of prior authorizations in the course of patient care. Terrence Cunningham directs AHA\\u2019s Administrative Simplification Policy, and Andrea Preisler is senior associate director, Administrative Simplification Policy.'