$100k In Revenue Bringing An Offline Client Online - AdSkills Pro EP 7

Published: Oct. 17, 2019, noon


Desriann Blackwood wanted to work from home. She was a virtual assistant, content writer, SEO specialist and social media strategist. But everything came together for her when she began to learn how to run ads as a media buyer.

Desriann landed a local client whose business was successful, but completely offline. Together they built out everything online and adjusted the offer. When all was built out, they closed the cart at over $100k revenue - and that with only $4k in ad spend.
Another client achieved over 60% revenue increase, in a single month, with Desriann's new ad campaign.

If you'd like to work with Desriann, you can reach her via http://www.linkedin.com/in/desriann
