Don't Turn Away

Published: April 27, 2009, 4:58 p.m.

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C. H. Spurgeon said in one of his sermons: “NATURE is selfish, but grace is loving. He who boasts that he cares for nobody, and nobody cares for him, is the reverse of a Christian, for Jesus Christ enlarges the heart when he cleanses it. None so tender and sympathetic as our Master, and if we be truly his disciples, the same mind will be in us which was also in Christ Jesus.” NATURE is SELFISH - survival of the fittest, every man for himself. However, as Dr. Mead said, the first sign of civilization is not knowledge, not technology, not intellect – but COMPASSION. In the same way, the first sign that Jesus Christ has come into our hearts is not Bible knowledge, not wearing the right clothes or doing the right things, but rather the same HUMILITY and COMPASSION as evidenced in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. COMPASSION is a stubborn refusal to turn away - it is the humility that allows our hearts to grow. Compassion allows that other person’s needs affect me, it makes her problem my problem, it makes his burden, my burden. The Church of Jesus Christ must be marked by such Compassion For the world will not take seriously our message until we take seriously the problems of this world. Our Compassion builds a bridge across which our message might travel and testifies to the truth of our message. My friends, THEY WON’T BE ABLE TO TURN AWAY FROM OUR MESSAGE, IF WE REFUSE TO TURN AWAY FROM THEIR NEED. Don’t Turn Away