AMP119: Ignite, Fuel, and Spread How Your Content Can Catch Fire With The Right Amplification Process With Heidi Cohen From Actionable Marketing Guide

Published: Jan. 22, 2019, 10 a.m.

Do you do whatever you can to get a prospect’s attention? Many marketers actually miss the mark when it comes to connecting their customers and content.

Today, we’re talking to Heidi Cohen, chief content officer of Actionable Marketing Guide. She describes how you can build momentum to keep your content visible, consumable, and actionable. Also, Heidi shares a method to follow for your content’s amplification and distribution process.

Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Difference between distribution and promotion of content
  • Distribution Method:
    1. Ignite (up to first three days): Build a network and spark participants’ interest and willingness to engage with and share your content
    2. Fuel (first month): Plan, manage, and schedule social media marketing to keep content fresh and visible; utilize many mediums (i.e. video, audio)
    3. Spread (ongoing): Road test content to determine what works or doesn’t to attract new people; perform audit to update content and get conversions
  • Less than 60% of digital traffic is human; build relationships and be creative to reach humans who will share your content
  • Ways to create new or keep content going include visuals/images, guest posts, build authority, get people involved, take content live, and go to conferences   
