57: The Blaine Amendment Decision w/ the Institute for Justice

Published: Sept. 9, 2020, 1 p.m.


What are the Blaine Amendments, how does the Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue Supreme Court Case affect school choice in the states and is your state impacted? Listen in on this episode featuring Education Choice Attorney at the Institute for Justice David Hodges, ALEC Director of the Education and Workforce Development Task Force Scott Kaufman and host Dan Reynolds to find out more.


Educational Choice at Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/issues/school-choice/
\\nInstitute for Justice on the Blaine Amendments: https://ij.org/issues/school-choice/blaine-amendments/
\\nInstitute for Justice\\u2019s Educational Choice Legislative Resources: https://ij.org/issues/school-choice/school-choice-legislative-resources/

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