Ernest D. Chu – Lecture, a leading corporate finance expert and Author

Published: Jan. 5, 2009, 9:40 p.m.

Ernest Chu – Nancy Tursi will be having guest Ernest D. Chu – Lecture, a leading corporate finance expert and Author - What is the secret for doing what truly fulfills you and making lots of money doing it? Most Americans are still searching for that elusive formula. Soul Currency demonstrates how to listen to your soul’s passion, seek what fulfills you and serves others, and discover your own perfect way to “make a living.” In the process, you also create and live within a prosperous flow of loving energy—soul currency. Soul Currency examines the power of manifestation through spiritual “adventureprise.” Spirit working through enlightened entrepreneurs can guide the creation of an actual business or a service, either for-profit or not-for-profit. Readers will learn how to add their own unique value to this enterprise, or choose to be fulfilled in playing a supportive role as a member of a team. Other sections discuss the power of connection and spiritual intelligence through the concept of stakeholders and self-organizing and self-connecting principles of quantum science. Throughout the book, Chu uses real-world success stories and offers practical exercises so that every reader can experience the abundant flow of their own, unique soul currency. Ernest Chu Soul Currency Visit his web site @