067: Sustainable & Ethical Fashion with Aspen Murray of Ethigirl

Published: Aug. 17, 2019, 6:54 a.m.


In this episode, Aspen Murray and Marjorie Alexander cover:

  • The reality of working conditions at some of the sweatshops that make our clothing
  • Companies who are creating ethically and sustainably produced clothing
  • How to spot sustainable clothing while shopping at traditional stores

About our guest:

Aspen Murray is a young activist who is dedicating her life to the pursuit of making ethical + sustainable fashion the norm. She firmly believes that we all have the power to vote with our dollars, but that we need to reform how we look at conscious consumerism: it shouldn\'t be difficult, it shouldn\'t be inaccessible to certain people, and it\'s okay if we mess up \\u2212 because the onus should never fall entirely on the consumer

Connect with Aspen Murray and Ethigirl Online:

Suggested Resources from Aspen:


