Ocean's Eleven / Rififi (Feat. Robert Abele, LA Times/TheWrap)

Published: Aug. 12, 2020, 7 a.m.

Dan and Alonso take it heist and easy with guest Robert Abele (LA Times, TheWrap) to discuss two legendary caper movies: Jules Dassin's RIFIFI (1955) and Steven Soderberg's OCEAN'S ELEVEN (2001). Set the charges, plan your escape route, write us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts, and follow us @filmandmoviepod on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

RIFIFI is not currently streaming, but there's a great Blu-ray from The Criterion Collection: https://www.amazon.com/Rififi-Blu-ray-Magali-Robert-Manuel/dp/B07DS1JGR7/?tag=alonsoduralde-20

OCEAN'S ELEVEN is available to rent: https://www.amazon.com/Oceans-Eleven-George-Clooney/dp/B001EBV0JE/?tag=alonsoduralde-20

Robert and Alonso both recommend TOPKAPI (1964): https://youtu.be/XuXysBZ07I0

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