ACL 010: Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income)

Published: June 17, 2013, noon

b'Pat Flynn is the host of the very popular Smart Passive Income podcast and website. Pat worked hard in his chosen discipline of architecture and did everything "right," but discovered that one day he didn\'t have a job any more - and then reinvented his life to be of service in a different way. Pat recently published a memoir called Let Go to tell his story.\\n\\nIn this episode of A Congruent Life, Pat talks about coping with an unexpected change in his professional life, reinventing his work to be of service in a new arena, the business value of transparency, the value of telling our stories, and being congruent between his online personality and the "real Pat."\\n\\nLinks\\n\\n\\tLet Go on Amazon\\n\\tLet Go day website - live webinar June 17 (1200 PDT/1900 GMT)\\nSmart Passive income\\nSmart Passive Income on Facebook'