Building Community With Marchel Marcos

Published: Feb. 4, 2022, 2:01 a.m.

b'Content Warning: Domestic Violence.

Hey, friends! We missed you, but we are back and ready to inspire you more than ever. Today we are speaking with the fabulous political director, principal consultant, domestic violence survivor advocate & entrepreneur Marchel Marcos.

Join us as she sits down with Alexis Hernandez and shares her reasons why she dedicates her energy to others in so many ways. Marchel chats about the organizations that helped her through her most difficult times and how she\'s giving back after receiving help from others.

Connecting with people who need allyship is so important, so we\'re excited to teach you how you can be an ally for those experiencing D.V., plus learn how you can get politically involved with your local elected officials.

To learn more about Marchel, check her out on Instagram @dearmarchel.

This is an incredible & informing episode, so we hope you enjoy it.

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