[URBAN] A Suburban fantasy 1x00 "FlashDance of the Lily"

Published: Sept. 10, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

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A teenage girl gets turned against her will by a serial killing monster. For more, go to 99geek.ca or follow me at @AndrewGeczy on Twitter I rerecorded the prologue! I thought I'd have to post this at the top, but I'll jut slide it in here. So now A Suburban Fantasy is complete. For new people starting at the beginning, This is my first book. Written straight out of high school. It's not my best work. Also, some of the early chapters are poorly recorded. Later episodes benefit from improved recording (slightly) and improved writing (greatly) so if you're on the fence feel free to start with Adrift Homeless or Aldonn Chronicles or one of the spin offs of this series Dakotah Slade and Isabol Tseung (They take place in the same setting, but tell different stories)