Geekly Weekly 41 (Saturday, January 25th): I solve the creation of the universe

Published: Jan. 26, 2020, 8:47 p.m.

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Breaking News: I will not be recording Isabol Tseung Voice News 1x01 today after all. I'll be recording it this week, or else next weekend along with the next geekly weekly. Sorry for the disappointment, you can always go to and read it there. I promise it's coming. Welcome to 99% Geek presents a weekly geeky blog I am your host, and writer behind Andrew Geczy. As primarily a fiction writer, releasing chapters of my books once a month on my Patreon like episodes of TV shows, I wanted my brand (99% Geek) to offer more content that might keep people coming back. Being a huge TV nerd I run down the best shows of the week, blog about what's new both in my life and for the brand (usually nothing), go over all the major news headlines for people who have gotten too tired to follow regular news, and before anything else I spotlight something cool and geeky for the week. This is Geekly Weekly Number #41 for the week of Saturday January 25th And this week's highlight is: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) My brand is 99% Geek found at I'm a writer, writing chapters of novels like episodes of TV shows, releasing them monthly on my Patreon page at There's Urban Fantasy tales about a teenage girl turned into a vampire against her will, or a scorned lover investigating paranormal phenomena, or a journalist covering stories in the middle east. There's a sci-fi story about people on a dying world trying to build a ship to a new one. There's a fantasy story about a fallen angel trying to stop the end of the world. And there's more coming. At the very least, follow me on Instagram @wingcommanderiv and Twitter @99geektweets