S07E03 - What does it take to build a 'big' app?

Published: June 16, 2014, midnight

This week the team consider the challenges of building the 'biggest' apps out there for banks, retailers and beyond. They're joined by previous 361 Live guest Ed Hodges - the brains behind Tesco's original app and Royal Bank of Scotland's apps for small businesses. There's some tech talk but things quickly move on to decisions and processes. It's a lively episode this week - Ewan calls Rafe an 'apologist for mediocrity' and Rafe (politely) suggests Ewan's not normal... Ben tries to get a word in edge-ways. READ MORE, COMMENT & SURVEY: http://361podcast.com/episodes/s07e03-what-does-it-take-to-build-a-big-app