PCP - 360 Vintage Vegas: Boyd Gaming

Published: Nov. 21, 2020, 8 a.m.

b'*Premium Content Preview\\nPatreon.com/360Vegas\\nSam Boyd was a gambler at heart.\\xa0 Once he discovered his passion for games of chance, he studied them feverously, learning that in every game, the advantage was always in the houses favor.\\xa0 So Sam decided the best way to gamble was to be the house.\\xa0 And that\\u2019s how his career in gaming began.\\xa0 Sam\\u2019s son Bill was encouraged from a young age to get an education.\\xa0 So he did and became a lawyer but eventually the father and son would join forces and become a team that grew into one of the most respected gaming companies in the world.\\xa0 Factor in their inherent desire to do the right thing and give back to the community, and you instantly start to suspect there\\u2019s more to the story than what you\\u2019re being told.\\xa0 But dig as deep as you like, there\\u2019s no more.\\xa0 The story of Sam, Bill and Boyd Gaming may be one of the greatest American success stories in history and overwhelming proof that sometimes, nice guys finish first.'