E-473: 90s Food Bites

Published: Jan. 28, 2024, noon

b"Random Vegas\\nThe Caesars Palace marquee has caught on fire twice. \\xa0In both cases, Tom Jones was the featured artist on the billboard at the time (vintagelasvegas.com)\\nTwitpic of the week\\n\\nEver wonder what it looked like when your Grandparents were on vacation in Vegas. \\xa0Well, thanks to @_GrandPaD, we can relive that moment poolside at the Stardust in the 1950s. \\xa0How do I know it\\u2019s the Stardust, you say? \\xa0Easy, look at the top of the building. \\xa0You can see the unmistakable outline of the original Stardust marquee, at least the back of it. \\xa0Something about the idea of my grandparents chasing each other around like I chase my wife gives me an ear-to-ear grin, as it should.\\nNews\\nA\\u2019s Fumble\\nSibella Justice\\nRedneck Escape Room\\xa0\\nRio's Marquee Update\\xa0\\nGlass Bar @Planet Hollywood\\xa0\\nHard Rock Window Tint"