E-416: Recreational Crack Smoker

Published: Sept. 25, 2022, 1:34 p.m.

b'Random Vegas\\nMoulin Rouge would not be the first property to attempt to cater to blacks. \\xa0The original was in 1942 when Shamrock Hotel on Fremont St attempted to cater to both blacks and whites. \\xa0It was a colossal failure as whites vehemently protested. \\xa0In response, city officials denied Shamrock an operating permit sighting Jim Crow policies in place at the time\\xa0(The Moulin Rouge and black rights in Las Vegas)\\nTwitpic of the week\\n\\nWhile not being as tall as the real Eiffel Tower in Paris, her replica in Vegas is still larger than life. \\xa0Especially with the angle shared by @NickyFurmage, with a background sky that can best be described as apocalyptic. \\xa0We don\\u2019t get much rain in the desert but when we do, it comes with vengeance. \\xa0Thankfully we have photography to capture the magic when it happens. \\xa0Thanks for sharing, Nicky.\\nNews\\n360 Vegas WINTER Vacation\\nVegas Holiday Attractions\\nNew Signage @Neon Museum\\nProper Eats'