E-389: 202022

Published: Jan. 23, 2022, 1:50 p.m.

b"Random Vegas\\nAnother story about Benny\\u2019s Binion\\u2019s bravado.\\xa0 Benny used to drive from Vegas to Texas alone semi regular.\\xa0 One time he picked up a hitchhiker.\\xa0 At first the two didn\\u2019t say much to each other until the hitchhiker ask Benny \\u201cWhat would you say if I told you I got a gun on me?\\u201d.\\xa0 Benny replied \\u201cI\\u2019d say we\\u2019re even\\u201d.\\xa0 Benny then pulled the car over and the hitchhiker got out\\nTwitpic of the week\\n\\nThis week, @pixvegas777 shared a reflection that inspires one to reflect on life, neon and chance.\\xa0 An escape from the norm in exchange for the unforgettable, even if it's hard to remember the next morning.\\xa0 Quiet contemplation makes one wonder how askew existence would be through the Vegas looking glass.\\xa0 Perhaps it would have single zero roulette and 3:2 Blackjack. A place where parking would be complimentary and the drink services is prompt and poured from the bottle. What a world we used to live in.\\nNews\\nAdele Residency\\nResorts World LED Show"