E-387: Perspective

Published: Jan. 9, 2022, noon

b'Random Vegas\\nThe pirate skull signage at Treasure Island was only on display for a decade, from 1993-2003 and is identified as the signature symbol of the Family Friendly marketing concept. (Neon Museum)\\nTwitpic of the week\\n\\nThis week\\u2019s winner is another look behind the curtain.\\xa0 This time, it\\u2019s the Flamingo, the oldest property on the Las Vegas strip.\\xa0 Although none of the original structure remains, she still sits as an icon.\\xa0 The views shared by @MaverickHeli continue to show the majesty of Vegas as an adult playground with larger than life landmarks to stimulate the senses.\\xa0 I seriously need to get off my ass and enjoy the sensory overload one no doubt gets from a helicopter ride.\\xa0 While that reeks of effort, I\\u2019m sure its little more than going to a website and booking.\\xa0 One day, my friends.\\xa0 One day.\\nNews\\nMartha Stewart\\u2019s Vegas restaurant\\nMGM Rewards Details\\nAnother Raiders Player Can\\u2019t Handle Vegas'