E-363: Covid Condoms

Published: May 9, 2021, 2:23 p.m.

b'Random Vegas\\nIn 1968, just before his 2-week residency in the lounge at the Riviera was coming to an end, Shecky Greene was informed that plans were to turn the showroom into a Keno lounge.\\nIn an attempt to be funny, Greene came to the stage that final night and began chopping up the stage floor and giving out pieces to guests in attendance as souvenirs\\nThe next morning, unaware of this antics, ownership informed Greene they were going to extend his run in the lounge for another month. (Vintage Riviera Research)\\n\\nTwitpic of the week\\n\\nThe legend as I\\u2019m sure she\\u2019s looked to many of her patrons on many a nights.\\xa0 This is El Cortez after a case of Coors Light and a tough night at the tables.\\xa0 Magnificent and frightening.\\xa0 Somehow sticky too, all communicated via their classic signage and usage of neon.\\xa0 @zotaramichael shares with us a view askew.\\xa0 A journey that no doubt comes with a story for the ages.\\nNews\\nPalms Sale Confirmed\\nWynn returns to 100% Occupancy\\nStar Trek Returns\\n2022 NFL Draft\\nA-Lot at Area 15'