Ep 9; Hotel Loyalty Points and Silicone Owls

Published: Feb. 5, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

Gail Carriger and Piper J Drake know how to eek every extra bit of value out of travel; including hotel loyalty points. Earn them? Keep them? Use them?


Time Stamped Show Notes:

0:05 – Intro (Steampunk Girl by John Anealio)

0:30 – Host Introduction; Gail Carriger and Piper J Drake

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10:52 – Main Topic -> Hotel Loyalty and Reward Points

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27:18 – Gadgets! (what don't we trust the hotel to provide?)

Gail – Mug

Piper – Silicone Owl

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35:15 - Outro and thanks to: Producer Matt