Vice: Project Doom

Published: Nov. 30, 2021, 11 a.m.

"2 Dudes and a NES" is the latest podcast to hit the streets. It's neon green, lethal, and dropping its listeners like flies.
You're Vice officer Quinn Hart, a no-non-sense sledgehammer of a brother. You pack a vicious .44, crushing grenades, and a lightning fast laser whip that gives you an edge over anything on two feet. Your mission: take down the big boss of this operation.
It ain't easy... you've got an army of assassins (Ryan and Robbie) just waiting to take you for a ride - a LONG ride. You'll battle in dark alleyways of Chinatown, on the highways, and through steamy jungles. Ultimately, you'll have to seek and destroy the vender of the green elixir!
Hint: it's the book Q is for Quarantine N is for Nintendo : Surviving Coronavirus and the Spring of 2020 bit by bit
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