Privacy II

Published: March 11, 2019, 9 a.m.

Amazon Basics HB Pencil

Høvel Pencil Plane

Field Notes Clandestine

Blackwing 4

SpaceX Notebook - Backpocket Notebooks

Field Notes Expedition

Footage from the ISS - High Definition Earth-Viewing System (HDEV)

Shetland - BBC

Baptiste - BBC

Timber Twist from Metalshop CT

"Google failed to notify customers it put microphones in Nest security systems" - Washington Post

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Stuart Lennon & TJ Cosgrove

1857 Podcast

25 Walworth Enterprise Centre

Duke Close, West Way

Andover. SP10 5AP

England, United Kingdom

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{ 1857 } The Podcast about making the past, the present, in the future.

Are you a US Listener? If you want to try audiobooks and want to help out the show, you can sign up for a 30 day trail, get a free audiobook and we get a commission, just go to

I (TJ) suggest American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton or Reamde by Neal Stephenson.