S7 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - What deeds can be passed on to the deceased Muslims ?

Published: Feb. 19, 2024, 10:01 a.m.

Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 7\nThe Fox of The Arabs\xa0\n\nWhat deeds can be passed on \xa0to the deceased Muslims ?\n\nThe Hanafee verdict, virtuous deeds can be passed on including Salah, Fasting, Quran recitation, Zhikir, Sadaqa, Hajj, Umrah...\n\nThe Messenger \ufdfa sacrificed two rams, one for himself and the other for his Ummah (Bukhari).\n\nAlee (ra) 'A person passes by a graveyard, recites Surah Ikhlas 11 times and passes this onto the deceased, thus the deceased receive the rewards (Daraqutni).\n\nJIbreel (as) presents these deeds to the deceased on a refulgent tray saying...\n\n'Dweller of the grave, Your relatives have sent a gift, accept it with joy.'\nThe receiver becomes happy but the forgotten deceased are grieved on their deprivation (Tabarani).\n\nThe deceased in the graves are like the drowning one, eagerly awaiting for priceless supplications... (Baihaqi).\n\n'The muslims enter their graves with sin, yet they come forth without such sin, they are forgiven because the Believers supplicated for their forgiveness' (Tabarani).\n\nIf charity passes through 70,000 hands its reward for the last person would be equal to that of the first person giving in charity (Tabarani).