S16 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - The Crossing of 2 Distinct Seerah's...

Published: Feb. 24, 2024, 6:27 a.m.

Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 16\nThe Fox of The Arabs\xa0\n\nAmr (ra) cast aside his blood stained garments of unbelief to don the pure garments of belief and left Abyssiania for Al Medina.\n\nAfter the Treaty of Hudaybiah, Khalid (ra) is in a dilema as there's nowhere to live.\n\nThe Messenger \ufdfa enquires about Khalid (ra) and Khalid (ra) becomes inclined to Islam.\n\nAbu bakr interprets Khalid's (ra) dream, where he leaves a constricted land of draught (unbelief) and finds a vast fertile land (Islam).\n\nThe Crossing of 2 Distinct Seerah's...\nKhalid & Uthman ibn Talha (raa) agree to leave Makkah to head for Al Medina, on the way at a place called Al-Hadda they meet Amr (ra).\xa0\n\nAll 3 intend The Messenger \ufdfa in Al Medina.\n\n'Once we reached Medina, the Adhan for Asr was called, we entered The Masjid and His Face \ufdfa was beaming like the full moon and the companions were very much pleased with our acceptance of the faith.' (Bahaqi).