S05 - Prophets - The Sacrifice and a 7 year old Ismaeel (as).

Published: June 23, 2024, 2:22 a.m.

The Sacrifice and a 7 year old Ismaeel (as).\n\nProphet Ibrahim (as) fulfills his vision, Surah 37 v105.\n\nA white ram which grazed in Paradise was brought near Ibrahim (as).\n\nAnd we then gave him the good news of Ishaaq (as) a Prophet and one of the pious, Surah 37 v111.\n\n\nAnd who turns away from the path of Ibrahim (as) except those as debase their own souls, Surah 2 v130.\n\n\nFor every Prophet, there is a Walee (intimate friend) from the other Prophets (as). Indeed my Walee is The Khaleel [Ibrahim (as)] (Tirmidhi).