S02 - Sadaqat - Amongst the causes of forgiveness is to feed a hungry Muslim (Haakim).

Published: July 17, 2024, 1:54 a.m.

Amongst the causes of forgiveness is to feed a hungry Muslim (Haakim).\n\nWhen a person gives a Believer something to eat or drink then Allah SWT will admit him into Paradise through a gate reserved only for people like him (Tabarani).\n\nThe best of you are those who give food (Ahmad).\n\nThe man who hated Alee (ra), Hasan ibn Alee (ra) & Surah 6 v124.\n\nWhoever donates old clothes will be clothed with silk on The Last Day.. and whoever donates new clothes will wear the finest brocade on the Last Day (Ibn Abee Shaibah).\n\nEveryone will enjoy the shade of his Sadaqah until the work of the Judgment is complete (Ahmad).\n\nSadaqa quenches the heat of the grave for those who give (Tabarani).\n\nIbn Umar (ra) uses 2 tents whilst performing the pilgrimage, one within the Haram the other outside the Haram (Qurtobi).\n\nGood deeds boast of their excellence and that Sadaqa will say... I was the best of you (Haakim).