Jan 2024 - Use Cupping On The Nape Cavity For It Cures 72 Kinds Of Ailments

Published: Feb. 5, 2024, 5:46 a.m.

Health Part 1\n\nUse Cupping on the Nape Cavity for it cures 72 kinds of ailments (Tabarani).\n\n...Cup on the upper part of the back on the 17,19 or 21 day of the Lunar Month... as its a cure from every disease (blood related) (Tirmidhi - Abo Dawood).\n\nOne of The Mothers of The Believers had a boil on her finger, 'use Arum (white & yellow scented plants), and say, O Allah SWT who transforms the big to the small and the small to the big make what I am suffering from small' (Haakim).