YTCH Podcast 001: Welcome To The YouTube Creators Hub Podcast

Published: March 19, 2014, 1:07 a.m.


In this episode of the YouTube Creators hub podcast we introduce the show and the host. We talk about creating a YouTube Channel that makes a difference, as well as list three tips to get started with YouTube. I also talk to David Cox from PC Classes Online and talk to him about how he has used YouTube to grow his business, and talk about some of his strategies on growing his YouTube Channel. In this episode we talk about 3 YouTube Tips to get started Here they are: 1.) The First tip we talk about is just being able to create content that matters and makes a difference. How to be different. 2.) The second tip that we talk about is identifying your YouTube audience. If you know your audience you are going to be able to more clearly create content that they want to watch and you want to create! 3.) The third tip is very simple. IGNORE THE TROLLS and be YOURSELF We also interviewed David Cox from PC Classes Online and Mac Guru. Here are some of the information and Link Resources that he shared during the episode.


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