6 Money Strategies for Down Markets Depending on Your Goals - 379

Published: May 24, 2022, 11 a.m.


As bear market territory freaked out some investors, YMYW listeners were a bit more chill as Joe and Big Al spitballed on their specific strategies to manage the decline: does it make sense to move to cash inside your retirement account? How do down markets impact Roth Conversion decisions for older investors? What should your asset allocation be now, during market volatility, if you\\u2019re expecting a future windfall? How should you manage the relationship with your financial advisor if they buy high and sell low in your investment portfolio? Should you leave a partially vested pension to grow, or withdraw the money now and convert to Roth? What\\u2019s the best way to withdraw from an IRA in a down market? Show notes, free financial resources, Ask Joe & Al On Air: https://bit.ly/ymyw-379
