Broken Nose Hymens + A Special Announcement

Published: March 3, 2021, 11 a.m.

b'Bros and Hoes, YFT is growing! This week we hear about Wells + Brandi\\u2019s very special announcement, a\\xa0Patreon\\xa0and Discord community just for you!! Join the fun and brace yourself for YFT uncensored. Viewer discretion is advised \\u2014 don\\u2019t say we didn\\u2019t warn you. We also discover that Wells has high blood pressure and almost died but didn\\u2019t (yay!) but now has a cardiologist like an old man. Brandi talks about her horse-showed and the tight turns, and they of course dive into the\\xa0uncomfy\\xa0Women Tell All. On account of the Golden Globes, Wells has a very fancy-dancy\\xa0list of\\xa0fave\\xa0films\\xa0in addition to a solid list of covers. He also has a few complaints for us all. Last but not least, Brandi realized that crawfish get boiled alive and that made her very sad. Truly an emotional rollercoaster this week you guys. TTYL!\\xa0\\nThanks to our awesome sponsors for making this episode possible! Check out these deals just for\\xa0you,\\xa0YFTers:\\xa0\\nCOASTAL \\u2013 Go to\\\\xa0for 30% off your first pair of glasses + free shipping and\\xa060-day\\xa0risk-free returns\\xa0\\nHELLO TUSHY \\u2013 Go to\\\\xa0to get 10% off plus free shipping\\xa0\\nSHIPSTATION\\xa0-\\xa0Go to\\, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in YFT to get a 60-day free trial\\xa0\\nJoin our community at\\'