90s theme songs, Blue Zones, and deep dark (harry) holes

Published: July 15, 2020, 10 a.m.

b'Brandi is stir crazy and overheated but on the plus side, she\\u2019s discovered a new appreciation for Zac Efron. Wells, on the other hand, is full of favorite things this week, including an up-and-coming Broadway play and some throwback theme songs. The co-hosts are trying to determine the best way to live off the land when the world gets even darker, which may involve Brandi re-homing Miley\\u2019s horse so that Wells can ride off into the sunset with Sarah (who will appropriately be on a pony). Thanks to Zac, Brandi has discovered \\u201cBlue Zones\\u201d where she could possibly live to age 105, but do we even want to at this point? On a lighter note, Brand-eye introduces Wells to a new series in which the main character is named Harry Hole (suh-good). Until next week, YFTers!\\nThanks to our awesome sponsors for making this episode possible! Check out these deals just for you:\\nQUIP\\u2013 Get your first refill free when you go to GetQuip.com/YFT\\nSHIPSTATION\\u2013 Try ShipStation free for 60 days when you use offer code YFT. Just go to ShipStation.com, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage, and type in YFT!\\nMINT MOBILE\\u2013 To get your new wireless plan for just 15 bucks a\\xa0month, and get the plan shipped to your door for FREE, go to MintMobile.com/YFT'